This app provides ship reports of actual conditions around me in the Bahamas. When the weather is supposed to deteriorate, or when I dont trust the forecast (which is often) I use this app to find out what is really happening.
When the forecaster calls for a front with winds, say, in the 20-25kt range, I get the ship reports sorted by distance to see if it is better or worse than expected. Frequently, I have seen ship reports of winds far in excess of the predictions. The map view allows me to follow the front as it approaches and to check whether a report likely represents a localized squall or a general condition on the other side of the front. This allows me to take precautions like setting another anchor, or reefing the sails, or finding sheltered harbour.
The data is presented very well. I have tried to find it directly at NOAA, but with no success. It is pretty challenging to pick a few reports out of a long tabular list of NOAA data when the weathers getting bad at sea. The map function is critical.
Admittedly, you do have to have Internet access on your boat to use this, but that is becoming much cheaper and more readily available.
This is the only weather app that allows me to easily check actual conditions. I use it almost every day.
Jemn about NOAA Buoy and Tide Data, v4.5